We have been carrying out a GAP Analysis for these 4 days on the status of the culture plan, comparing the results with last year's analysis.
And although there is still a long way to go, the data shows a clear improvement, both quantitatively and qualitatively!
This progress is not a coincidence. It is the result of strategic work, of thinking through each action and, most importantly, of acting.
Because plans do not change cultures, actions do.
Cod. AmorosCommon Name30Chicory, root711Rose, petals (light pink)708Rose, petals (red)662 Pilosella,...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name43 Agrimony, flowering top434 Blackcurrant, leaves10773 Organic Blackcurrant, ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name11494Sweet blackberry, leaves755 Elder, berries...
VIEWWe are closing a training cycle within the Food Safety Culture Plan that has led us to work hand in ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name29 Alchemilla, flowering aerial parts549Chamomille, white ligule10764Organic L...
VIEWAs part of the development of the Food Safety Culture Plan, we have completed a key stage: the perfo...
VIEWIn the fourth leadership session, we have taken a big step forward, working intensively on action pl...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name221Clove, flower buds. Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. et L.M.Perry (syn. ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name783Rock tea, plant779Tansy, flowering top26 Cape aloes, dried and concent...
VIEWThis week we have carried out a new action within the framework of the implementation of the Food Sa...
VIEWSuccessfully completed the awareness day with the entire Amorós Nature staff on communication...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name687 Cinchona, bark676Common lung-wort, plant692Cat´s tail, flowering top9032D...
VIEWThis time, we carried out a disruptive session, with gamified elements that kept all participants en...
VIEWNew step in the development of the Culture Plan. We are wasting no time and are launching the "Anato...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name311 Echinacea purpurea, root10581Common sunflower, petal572 Peppermint, leaf E...
VIEWThis week, we focus on a vital part of implementation: performance evaluation.¿Why is it so i...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name500 Green nettle, aerial parts470Fennel, plant655Black pepper, fruit608Nutmeg,...
VIEWIn this second session we focus on raising awareness about the importance of communication and indiv...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name11144 Organic Stevia, leaves335 Blood stanch, flowered plant317 Bank cress, fl...
VIEWAs the first actions of the Food Safety Culture Plan with the entire workforce, we immersed ourselve...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name833 Chaste tree, fruit495 Ispaghula, husk. Plantago ovata Forssk. (syn. Planta...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name575 Yarrow, flowering top9051 Cleavers, plant261 Feverfew, aerial parts568Spea...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name10578 Organic Sage, leaves10575 Organic Fennel, fruit215 Small centaury, flowe...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name5 Birch, leaves10781Organic Sweet marjoram, flowering top560Sweet marjoram, fl...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name10789 Organic Vine grape, leaves10786 Organic Wild thyme, flowering aerial par...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name598 Green orange, peel620Opuntia, leaf269 Milk thistle, fruit751 Willow, bark....
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name11494Sweet blackberry, leaves...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name446 Witch-Hazel, leaves432 Guarana, seeds. Paullinia cupana Kunth (syn. Paulli...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name300 Dandelion, root10767 Organic Eleutherococcus, root320 Lavender, flower1043...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name781 Gunpowder green tea, leaves10443 Organic Green tea, leaves10118 Sencha gre...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name188Cinnamon, bark189Zeylanicum cinnamon, stick11422Cinnamon V, bark10762O...
VIEWAt Amorós Nature, we promote business management in line with the needs of society, minimizin...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name11541 Lyophilized royal jelly 3% 10-HDA, powder10780 Organic Marshmallow, root...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name59 Artichoke, extra leaf. Cynara cardunculus L. (syn. C. scolymus L.)53 Wormwo...
VIEWAmorós Nature SL, as a familiar company with over 100 years of history, has always worked foc...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name786Yunnan pu erh tea, leaves11414 Organic Horsetail, sterile aerial parts10517...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name10903 Organic Senna, pods. Senna alexandrina Mill. (syn. Cassia acutifolia Del...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name782 Black tea, leaves. Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze (= C. thea Link) and its ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name300 Dandelion, root288 Dandelion, aerial part634 Java tea, leaves. Orthosiphon...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name230 Equisetum, sterile aerial parts10380Raspberry, strawberry and cherry, frui...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name10578 Organic Sage, leaves733 Sage, leaves59 Artichoke, extra leaf. Cynara car...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name208 Horse-chestnut, seeds505Sea tangles, thallus...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name103Bilberry, leaves110Ascophyllum nodosum, thallus153 Borage, flowering top105...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name42Barberry, log1Birch, bark7Black cohosh, root. Actaea racemosa L. (syn. Cimic...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name268 Turmeric, rhizome. Curcuma longa L. (syn. Curcuma domestica Valeton)71Musk...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name318 Dog rose, fruit. Rosa canina L., Rosa pendulina L. and other Rosa spe...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name11042Moringa, leaves417 Gentian, root95 Common wormwood, flowering top1825 Val...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name216 Centella, aerial parts729 Loosestrife, flowering top315 Echinacea purpurea...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name10434 Organic Hawthorn, flower-bearing branches. Crataegus monogyna Jacq....
VIEWWe are pleased to inform you that AMOROS NATURE has expanded its laboratory equipment by acquiring a...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name790 Linden, inflorescence. Tilia cordata Mill., Tilia platyphyllos Scop.,...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name712 Rhubarb, root. Rheum palmatum L. or Rheum officinale Baillon or of hybrids...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name10779 Organic Ribwort plantain, leaves540Mace, aril535 Ribwort plantain, leave...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name491Frankincense, gum-resin10726 Organic Chun Mee green tea, leaves10118 Sencha...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name107 Marshmallow, leaves786Yunnan pu erh tea, leaves10446Organic Yunnan pu erh ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name10443 Organic Green tea, leaves420 Ginger, rhizome780 Green tea, leaves10777 O...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name11149 Organic Couch grass, rhizome426Bermuda-grass, rhizome10584Organic Bermud...
VIEWWe have the pleasure of them informing that AMOROS NATURE there has passed satisfactorily the audit ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name782 Black tea, leaves. Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze (= C. thea Link) and its ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name11144Organic Stevia, leaves769Stevia, leaves10576 Organic Rosemary, leaves705 ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name583Grape must185Sweet flag, rhizome10578 Organic Sage, leaves10267 English Bre...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name10903 Organic Senna, pods. Senna alexandrina Mill. (syn. Cassia acutifolia Del...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name10776 Organic Mate herb, leaves462 Mate herb, leaves573 Peppermint, broken lea...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name30Chicory, root539Bitter matricaria, flower-head484 Hibiscus, flower262 Jamaic...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name351 Raspberry, leaves259 Hawthron fruit. Crataegus monogyna Jacq. or C. laevig...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name434 Blackcurrant, leaves10773 Organic Blackcurrant, leaves43 Agrimony, floweri...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name848Sarsaparilla, root59 Artichoke, extra leaf. Cynara cardunculus L. (syn. C. ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name634 Java tea, leaves. Orthosiphon aristatus (Blume) Miq. var. aristatus (syn. ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name620Opuntia, leaf495 Ispaghula, husk221Clove, flower buds. Syzygium aromaticum&...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name29 Alchemilla, flowering aerial parts269 Milk thistle, fruit321 Lavender, extr...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name609Green nuts, fruit bark9032Dehydrated carrot, root10431 Organic St. John´s ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name26 Cape aloes, dried and concentrated juice of the leaves10578 Organic Sa...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name10766 Organic Dandelion, root84 Green anise, fruit10438 Organic Green anise, f...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name660Pao d´arco, bark. Tabebuia avellanedae Lorentz ex Griseb. and/or Tabebuia ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name459 Common ivy, leaf10778 Organic Lemon, fruit bark515 Lemon, fruit bark...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name10438 Organic Green anise, fruit2Khella, seeds211 Greater celandine, aerial pa...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name501Fresh royal jelly794 Thyme M, leaves335 Blood stanch, flowered plant322 Mai...
VIEWThe month of June and for the fourth consecutive year, Amorós Nature has been present at the ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name103Bilberry, leaves421 Ginkgo, leaves10772 Organic Ginkgo, leaves10580Blue bot...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name265Milk thistle, plant10759 Organic Burdock, root10780 Organic Marshmallow, ro...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name833 Chaste tree, fruit513Brewer´s yeast523Florence flambe, rhizome768 Goldenr...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name35Brocoli, inflorescencia en polvo26 Cape aloes, dried and concentrated j...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name26 Cape aloes, dried and concentrated juice of the leaves837 Wild pansy, ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name609Green nuts, fruit bark357 Dried bladder wrack, thallus10435 Organic dried b...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name26 Cape aloes, dried and concentrated juice of the leaves10578 Organic Sa...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name10766 Organic Dandelion, root84 Green anise, fruit10438 Organic Green anise, f...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name660Pao d´arco, bark. Tabebuia avellanedae Lorentz ex Griseb. and/or Tabebuia ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name459 Common ivy, leaf10778 Organic Lemon, fruit bark515 Lemon, fruit bark...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name2Khella, seeds211 Greater celandine, aerial part10782Organic Sweet orange, fru...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name794 Thyme M, leaves335 Blood stanch, flowered plant322 Maize, silk793 Extra th...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name103Bilberry, leaves421 Ginkgo, leaves1825 Valerian, root10772 Organic Ginkgo, ...
VIEWThe next month of June and for the third consecutive year, Amorós Nature will be present at t...
VIEWTo bring again more security and stability in our supply of raw materials of natural origin, we are ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name10759 Organic Burdock, root10780 Organic Marshmallow, root131 Burdock, root692...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name833 Chaste tree, fruit624 Extra oregano, leaves623 Oregano, leaves626Oregano, ...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name35Brocoli, inflorescencia en polvo26 Cape aloes, dried and concentrated j...
VIEWCod. AmorosCommon Name26 Cape aloes, dried and concentrated juice of the leaves480 Devil´s cla...
VIEWUn breve texto explicativo.Cod. AmorosCommon Name313Dill, leaves357 Dried sea ware, thallus357 Dried...
VIEWUn breve texto explicativo.Cod. AmorosCommon Name5 Birch, leaves26 Cape aloes, dried and concen...
VIEWUn breve texto explicativo.Cod. AmorosCommon Name549 Chamomille, white ligule549 Chamomille, white l...
VIEWUn breve texto explicativo.Cod. AmorosCommon Name459 Common ivy, leaf459 Common ivy, leaf515 Lemon, ...
VIEWUn breve texto explicativo.Cod. AmorosCommon Name211 Greater celandine, aerial part468Nopal, flower2...
VIEWUn breve texto explicativo.Cod. AmorosCommon Name829 Common verbain, aerial parts829 Common verbain,...
VIEWUn breve texto explicativo.Cod. AmorosCommon Name24Blue bottle, flower-heat54Lemon grass, leaves103B...
VIEWUn breve texto explicativo.Cod. AmorosCommon Name423Mullein, plant. Verbascum thapsus L., Verbascum ...
VIEWWe inform that during July 2015 Amorós Nature has renovated the organic certificate. We...
VIEWWe are pleased to inform that during the month of April 2015 Amorós Nature has obtained a Kos...
VIEWWe have the pleasure of them informing that Amorós Nature there has renoved satisfactori...
VIEWOn October 2010 Amorós Nature received from auditors of the prestigious company SGS the renew...
VIEWOn 27 October 2010 Amorós Nature received from auditors of the prestigious company...
VIEWFrom November 2011 AMORÓS NATURE has concluded an exclusive agreement of distribution in Swit...
VIEWTo bring again more security and stability in our supply of raw materials of natural origin, we are ...
VIEWWe are pleased to inform that during the month of April 2011 Amorós Nature has obtained a Kos...
VIEWOn 8 October 2010 Amorós Nature received from auditors of the prestigious company SGS the ren...
VIEWWe are pleased to inform that during the month of January 2011 Amorós Nature has granted from...
VIEWFollowing with the process of becoming international that AMOROS NATURE started already five years a...
VIEWNew Technical manager and qualifyed person in Amorós nature, S.L., and the rest of the human ...
VIEWWe have the pleasure of them informing that AMOROS NATURE there has passed satisfactorily the audit ...
VIEWDuring las November AMOROSNATURE received to the auditors of the prestigious company TÜV for th...